With the support of the European Union, co-financed by the Cohesion Fund and the Hungarian central budget within the framework of the KEHOP-5.4.1-16 tender scheme.

Amount of support: HUF 3,784,000
Total cost: HUF 3,784,000


Activities undertaken:

1. Among the activities that can be supported independently:

b) implementation of settlement awareness actions: in the framework of another event, appearance promoting energy awareness (eg own stand with independent programs): 4 events (3 in Paks and 1 in a settlement affected by complex development)

2. Among the eligible activities that cannot be supported independently:

f) organizing and conducting media campaigns related to the municipal program series and awareness-raising action (1 campaign)

h) creation of a sub-page for the project within the beneficiary's website with its content and events organized during the project

If you would like to know more about environmentally friendly building solutions, we welcome you on our open days.

Open day dates and places:

2015. June 06
Neumann János street, 7030 Paks
2015. June 20
Neumann János street, 7030 Paks
2015. July 04
Neumann János street, 7030 Paks
2015. July 18
Neumann János street, 7030 Paks
2015. August 01
Neumann János street, 7030 Paks
2015. August 29
Neumann János street, 7030 Paks
2015. September 05
Neumann János street, 7030 Paks
2015. September 12
Neumann János street, 7030 Paks
2018. May 12
2018. September 17
2019. January 21
2019. February 12
2019. February 28
2019. March 21
2019. April 11
2019. April 15
2019. May 02
Air quality protection day
2019. June 12
ÖYP - Sportday
2019. September 13
ÖYP - Water protection day
2019. September 19
ÖYP - Sportsday
2020. January 24
ÖYP - E-mobility day
2020. July 24
ÖYP - E-mobility day
2020. August 03
ÖYP - Waste management day
2020. October 12
ÖYP - Waste management day
2020. October 19
ÖYP - Air quality management day

Here you can find an electric car and a luxury container house as well.

Did you know…

… that the aim of sustainable building planning and implementation is to make buildings economical and resources efficient? From this become these buildings comfortable and healthy surroundings and perfectly fit in social-cultural environment. This way they preserve their value for a long time for investors, owners and users as well.

… that in a sustainable building comfortable heat sensation, extra low heating cost and CO2 emission are guaranteed?

… that the Forráspont Energy House doesn’t need any chimney? They don’t have to get harmful substances that derives from burning to the air.

… that the Forráspont Energy House is able to change its size depending on the external temperature? Its shell structure is moved on a track and with the help of it the Forráspont Energy House in Paks is able to expand and contract complied to the weather.

Available only in Hungarian.

The Active Energy Association submitted proposal for the implementation of the Energy House for KEOP-6.2.0/B/09-11 application construction in 2013.

The national administration supported the proposal and the grant contract was signed in 2014.


Proposal data:


Project ID: KEOP-6.2.0/B/11-2013-0006

Project title: „ENERGIAHÁZ Bemutató Központ” („Energy House Exhibition Center”)

With the support of the European Union and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of KEOP-6.2.0/B/09-11 application construction.

Project investment cost (net amount): 157.030.000,- Ft

Awarded support: 149.178.500,- Ft

Forraspont Paks
MVM Ovit Zrt.
MVM Partner Zrt.
AD Tectum Kft.
Szerencsejáték Zrt.
Place: Neumann János street, 7030 Paks
(GPS Coordinates: 46.611718, 18.837545)
Place based on QR code:
More information:
web: www.forraspontpaks.hu
phone: +36-70-336-2173
e-mail: info@forraspontpaks.hu
Copyright 2015 © Aktív Energia Egyesület – Minden jog fenntartva.